Jam making is one of the most rewarding of household jobs. There is something extremely satisfying about seeing rows of neatly labelled jars full of delicious homemade sweet preserves all ready to eat.

Most kinds of fruit and some vegetables respond well to this method of preservation. They can be used individually or in carefully chosen combinations to make a wide variety of jams, jellies or marmalades as well as fruit butters, cheeses and curds.



1 kg cooking Apples (Seb)
750 grams Sugar (Cheeni)
2 cups Water
2 teaspoons Lemon (Nimbu) juice or 1/2 teaspoon Citric acid

How to make apple jam:
  • Peel, core and cut the apples into slices, cook in water until tender.
  • Add sugar and lemon juice or citric acid and stir on a hot fire until jam sets when tested.
  • Cool a little and pour into sterilised jars and cork tightly.
  • Serve after one day. < 



1/2 kg Lemons (Nimbu)
12 cups (3 pints) Water
Sugar (Cheeni)

How to make lemon jelly:
  • Wash and dry the lemons.
  • Remove the skin, then cut them into quarters and take out the pips.
  • Put the Lemon pieces in a bowl, cover with water, and keep for 24 hours.
  • Boil the lemon pieces in the same water, strain through a muslin cloth.
  • Measure the juice and allow 1/2 kg sugar for each pint of the liquid.
  • Heat the juice, add sugar and stir till it is dissolved.
  • Cook on a hot fire until the syrup sets quickly or falls in drops when tested on a plate.
  • Cool and pour into jars and close the lid tightly.



1 1/2 kgs Guavas (Amrood)
6 cups Water
1/2 tsp Citric acid
Sugar (Cheeni)

How to make guava jelly:
  • Wash and cut guava into thin slices and cook with water until very soft.
  • Put this mixture in a coarse cloth and allow the juice to drip through into a bowl
  • underneath and leave it for 12 hours.
  • Do not squeeze the bag.
  • Use the mixture in the bag for guava cheese.
  • Measure the juice and add 3 cups of sugar to each pint of juice.
  • Heat the sugar, guava juice and stir until it is dissolved.
  • Strain the juice, add lemon juice and cook on a hot fire until setting point is reached.
  • Cool and pour into airtight jars. 

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